User and Carer Involvement (UCI)

07929 666598

"a Disabled People's Organisation ensuring Users and their Carers have a voice..."

Survey on the views of adults with Learning Disabilities

Please see attached details about upcoming online events to promote a survey on the views of adults with Learning Disabilities, specifically in relation to further education, volunteering, and community activities.

Also, please see the link to the questions on these three areas –

Adults with Learning Disabilities can choose to simply fill in the questionnaires and/or they can attend the various sessions arranged for February. Attending the sessions would provide an opportunity for people to express their views as well as a chance to be part of the conversations.

The actual sessions are all online and the details can be found on the attached, but they are also set out below – 

The further education ones are on the following Wednesdays between 1.30 -3.00 – 2nd, 9th and 16th February.

The community activities are on the following Thursdays between 10-11.30 – 3rd, 10th and 17th February.

The volunteering ones are on the following Thursdays between 1.30-3.00 – 3rd 10th and 17th February.

Details of who to contact to attend the sessions can also be found on the attachment. Individuals can choose to attend one, two or all three of the sessions or if not possible they can choose to simply fill in the questionnaires

This is a joint enterprise between UCI and the HSCP and will help to inform opportunities as we move forward.